This engaging tale is a memorable read of a broken relationship between a father and son that’s reclaimed on the golf course.

An almost-pro golfer, London Witte gave up his dream of joining the PGA circuit when August was born twenty-seven years ago and instead traded in his life-long aspiration to be near his family, becoming a golf coach for the high school and owner of a golf-themed restaurant. August, a self-admitted terrible golfer who was cut by London from the high school team, believes his father is the world’s worst parent and doesn’t want to follow in his footsteps.

An unlikely event brings the two back together and through a series of nine golf lessons—a sport August hates but his father loves, seemingly more than his own son through the years—unexpected revelations come to light prompting an examination of the rifts that separated father and son.

Through the reading of London’s makeshift diary on golf scorecards, August learns details of the passing of his mother and how his father willingly threw away his dreams to be a pro golfer in order to spend more time with his family. Within the scorecards, London’s analogy that “life is golf and golf is life” is made plain to August.

The book, a product of Center Street Publications, is available through Barnes & Noble. We highly recommend it.